Two smiling people in front of a colourful grid of themed categories, with one pointing up and the other giving thumbs up.

Find the Right Pictures with New Themes

Find the Right Pictures with New Themes

We've been working to make finding pictures in the Photosymbols library easier and more intuitive. Here's what's new:

Browse by theme

We've transformed how you can explore pictures by theme. When you visit the library, click on 'Themes' under the search bar to find our new organised categories. Browsing by theme gives you a broader overview of images related to a topic - you might even find some new favourite pictures.

A screenshot of the Themes page in Photosymbols.

Filter within themes

Once you've chosen a theme, you can filter those results. For example, if you click into 'Health and Care' and then filter by 'bed', you'll find all our hospital bed images within that category. This makes it easier to find exactly what you need within a specific context.

Finding your way around

We've improved how you move through the library with a clearer breadcrumb trail at the top of the page. This shows you exactly where you are and lets you click back through your previous steps.

A close up of the top left of a window in the Photosymbols library showing a breadcrumb trail for navigation.

Your favourite images

Found pictures you use regularly? Click the heart button on any image to save it to your favourites. You'll find all your favourite images together in one place under the 'My Favourites' category.

A screenshot of an image in the Photosymbols library with the 'favourite' button highlighted, and of the favourites section of the Themes page.

Discovering related images

When you're looking at an image, you'll notice we've updated how tags are displayed. Click any tag to find other pictures tagged with the same term - it's a great way to discover related images.

A screenshot of an image in the Photosymbols library on the left with tags relating to the image on the right.

Look out for stars

You'll see some categories marked with a star. These are featured categories that we'll use to highlight new images or seasonal topics. Right now you'll see a star next to 'My Favourites', and we'll be adding more over time to bring you fresh inspiration and ideas for your Easy Read.

We'd love to hear what you think about these updates! Email us at